- I finally passed the Michigan Social Work Licensing Exam, giving me full licensure and changing my credentials from LLMSW (Limited Licensed Master Level Social Worker) to LMSW (Licensed Master Level Social Worker). I'm not sure why loosing an "L" is actually a higher level. Oh well, at least I can legally be in private practice doing psychotherapy and using art to help facilitate that work.
- I completed my Thesis for my Art Therapy Master degree, which at times I thought that I would never be able to see through to the end. 100 plus pages later, it is done. I only have my internship left to complete my degree.
- I will be starting my Art Therapy Internship in August at The Center for Disability Services at Western Michigan University. My current employer has agreed to allow me to do four ten hour days Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday to allow me to work Mondays and Wednesdays at my internship field placement site. I will FINALLY graduate with my Master of Arts in Art Therapy in July of 2014.
- I have made great progress working with my iPad and iPhone art apps since my last blog. If your interested in seeing some of that artwork, hop over to my Facebook page via the link to the right and browse through my photo albums, a lot of the artwork there is digitally created on either my iPhone or iPad.
- I have just passed a year and a half in a new personal relationship after five years of being single and on my own. Life can "change on a dime" they say!
Sometimes beauty can be found among the chaos of life. Sometimes we grow among the "tangles"...have you been encountering any of the thorns or tangles in your own life? Have you felt that you have grown, learned or gained something from them? Please share with me some of those stories. I know that I am not the only one that keeps trudging forward on this crazy ride called "Life"!
Blessings and Love,
Admin, if not okay please remove!
ReplyDeleteOur facebook group “selfless” is spending this month spreading awareness on prostate cancer & research with a custom t-shirt design. Purchase proceeds will go to cancer.org, as listed on the shirt and shirt design.